April 2019
Dear Parents/Guardians,
On Thursday 9th May, we will be holding our ‘Music for Spring’ concert. The concert will take place in the Monty Green Sports Hall starting at 7pm and parents and friends are warmly invited to come and support our performers.
This annual celebration of music showcases the achievement of those students who are giving time to learn a musical instrument. It will feature a variety of music with performances from individual soloists from beginners to the more advanced musicians within the school, the various ensembles that meet each week will also be taking part.
Your child should know by now whether they are required to play as a soloist and if they belong to a school ensemble, i.e. Songbirds, Recorder Group, Boys’ Vocal Group, BSMA Choir or VOX, they are also required to take part.
Please confirm on the return slip attached that your child is able to attend either direct to me or via their form teacher. Performers will need to remember to bring their music and instruments, if applicable, in the morning, as rehearsals will be running throughout the day on the 9th May. They will need to arrive in the evening by 6.45pm in school uniform. (BSMA choir will also need their yellow festival T – shirts).
I anticipate the concert lasting approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes, therefore KG pupils will take part at the very beginning to enable those who are not used to late nights to leave when appropriate.
Tickets will be on sale at the price of £5.00 each and can be obtained from the office from Wednesday 1st May or by returning the attached form via the form teacher. There will be some tickets available on the door, however, this event is usually very popular and could sell out quickly. Proceeds will be going to the music department to enhance the resources for musical learning.
It is hoped that many of you will be able to join us on this very enjoyable evening of music.
Kindest regards,
Miss K J Ibbotson
Head of Music