Virtual Tour

Welcome to our virtual tour page. The videos below were filmed in May 2020, during the COVID-19 lockdown. The purpose of these videos is to give you an understanding of our facilities and space available for your children.

Please note that due to our closure the sports field was yet to be manicured when this video was taken. In addition our Kindergarten Building is not it’s normal pre-COVID-19 feel. As per government guidelines, soft furnishings, wall displays and soft educational toys had been removed from the Kindergarten setting. In our opinion, our once vibrant rooms look rather sparse, we hope you understand.

We hope you enjoy your tour.  To discuss your child’s admission please email Mrs Cox, Registrar, on registrar@stjohnsschool.net


This video was taken in May 2020 and shows you our ‘Green Building’ housing our Junior and Senior School including our Sports England Sports Hall. This video also has footage of one of our Science Labs and our Food and Nutrition Lab.

This video was filmed in May 2020 and features our outdoor spaces.

This video features our Kindergarten Building which welcomes children for Pre-Reception (2 – 4 year old children), Reception, Lower Kindergarten (Year 1) and Upper Kindergarten (Year 2). In addition the film also features our dining hall, music room, Kindergarten and Junior Computing.